Not for Profits

Not for Profit Organizations that we encourage and support

Cabrini Green Legal Aid
CGLA has been providing high quality legal services to Cabrini Green and Chicago area residents who have few other resources. They are one of the few legal aid agencies that provide criminal as well as civil services and their excellent record is a testimony to both their dedication and the continuing needs.

Christian Community Development Association
The mission of CCDA is to network and empower people and organizations with a vision for grassroots community development. Many of these are based in local Churches and faith based organizations.

Cornerstone Academy
Cornerstone Academy is a small, private high school dedicated to giving students an opportunity to complete their high school careers in an atmosphere defined by Christian faith.

Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies
The Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS-Yogya) is a consortium of three universities: Gadjah Mada University (UGM), State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga (UIN), and Duta Wacana Christian University (UKDW). Together they offer an integrative, international Ph.D. program in inter-religious studies. This is the only Religious Studies Ph.D. Program that is co-sponsored by Muslim, Christian, and national-secular universities. ICRS is based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

LaSalle Street Church
For over fifty years this small congregation sandwiched between the Gold Coast and Cabrini Green housing projects, has been creating innovative ministries and resources that change people’s lives.

LaSalle Foundation
A unique operating foundation, the LaSalle Foundation developed the five story Cornerstone Center at 1111 N. Wells that provides affordable space to Not for profit Ministries serving Cabrini Green and Gold Coast neighborhoods as well as Chicagoland.

Opportunity International
Opportunity provides micro-enterprise loans in developing countries. Their strategy of providing training and using high levels of community involvement have broken the cycle of poverty and created self funding loan pools in many areas.

The mission of Intent is to provide resources and networks for professionals seeking to work in developing countries