Child's Bedroom

Child's bedroom

Entertainment Center. The entertainment center reflects those negative elements that enter the home from external sources. Rather than deal with issues of censorship, it will be important to nurture and guide the child in such a way that the positive images reflected through the window will have opportunity to take root in the child's experiences, and ultimately the child's character.

Window. The window in the child's room provides an outlook on a composite of life's experiences that are positive, inclusive and full of opportunity. It reflects a worldview shaped by Christian and biblical perspectives. In the midst of a pluralist society one can move beyond tolerance to respect and acceptance without compromise of one's deepest life convictions. Equal opportunity and shared accountabilities mark a society of wholeness, even while there are still differences in the religious and cultural domains. The environment and the people who steward it respond with its own unique applause marked by clean air and water.

Things we want to see from the child's window include a wide horizon with bright hope for the future, educational opportunity, a politically empowered neighborhood, available jobs and a strong work ethic, a multi-cultural environment, diversity-understanding our own faith and being able to share it, housing under construction built by the community, a healthy community that values preventive medicine, active church life, clean water, families playing together, recreation, happy adults and children.

Child's bedroom

Mirror. The healthy child will see a strong self image when he looks in the mirror. His self esteem will be built on a sense of belonging to God illustrated by the truth of the Bible and the picture of Jesus accepting children of the world; belonging to family illustrated by the family album and the picture of family; and belonging to a community of friends illustrated by a team spirit poster and picture of a friend of another culture.

The child's sense of caring on a world-wide basis is evident by the globe, and the certificate of sponsorship for someone less fortunate. Intellectual growth is evidenced by the presence of academic books and the computer, while their need for fun is portrayed by the soccer ball and tennis racquet.

Child's bedroom Skylight

Skylight. In the skylight of his room, the child sees God. He makes a perfect reference , a hero for for the child's life. The child will know God as a Father, always present, always understanding and listening. A loving and accepting Father and also a holy God in Heaven who inspires awe. The fear of the Lord will prevent the child from stumbling. Security is provided by such a powerful God.

Sometimes the Father seems so far away in heaven. That's when the child loves to look at Jesus. Jesus is a window to see God. The child understand God by seeing Jesus. His actions and character reported in the gospels helps the child to understand God. But Jesus lived 2,000 years ago... To know the living God the child must experience the reality of the Holy Spirit today, in the now. The skylight symbolizes that we need to help the child develop a growing awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Like fire, the Spirit warms the child's heart, or like fresh water, the Spirit refreshes his soul in times of dryness. The Spirit is the helper, comforter that allows the child to know the presence and friendship of Christ. A child needs to speak with Him throughout the day, just as we would speak frequently to a friend.

The skylight shows God's world and all His creation. This universe was designed to be a place of delight and harmony, but sin changed God's original destiny for us.. Through Christ's death God brings personal restoration. God is aware of the pain and suffering in the world and hurts with us. Without a sense of hopelessness and suffering we would not realize our need for a savior. Pain and suffering are a reality in which we now experience the presence of God. Without Him in a child's or anybody's life there is a sense of missing the mark. Our attempts to find a purpose apart from Christ may take us even further astray into destructive behaviors (drugs, bad relationships, etc.). Real healing comes only through the cross.